Sunday, June 3, 2012

worksheet 2- script

Title: The bullies and students
Author(s):Phuc, Ann, Kelly

Remember – this is Radio: you need to give descriptions so the listener can imagine the scene. Use sound effects to assist in setting the scene. Below is an example script. Once you have read it, delete it and create your own.

(the sound of a girl getting ready in front of her locker, the sound of a locker slamming)
Bully (Phuc): Nice Shirt!
Kelly: Yes! (must be a whisper and sounds pleased with herself)
(sound of her mobile ringing)
Kelly: Hello?
Bully: Just kidding you ugly freak  (let out a nasty laugh)
(the sound of Kelly weeping and dieing in pain)
Narrator (Ann): Bullying has cost over many suicides from teens all over the world. Words have consequences. Stop bullying now before it’s too late!
(scary sound effect)

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