Sunday, February 26, 2012

Photo Editing Bitmap Images

I lightened this bridge because it's too dark!

   I've removed the red eye from the bunny!                                                                      

Photo Editing Bitmap Images

i cropped the image out of the black background and resized it to 400!

I darken this image of Acoma Pueblo New Mexico!

I cropped this photo out of the other mountains and grasses and made it black and white!


Photo Editing Bitmap Images

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

my first ICT blog post

Hi! I'm Ann and I'm in the seventh grade. I'm studying ICT this semester and I'm looking forward to it. My advice to all those kids that are new to ICT is don't play games while the teacher is speaking and explaining. Pay careful attention to what the teacher said and follow them. Turn off your computer screen so you won't get distracted by anything. Try to catch up to the others while doing your project if you're behind. You sure need a blog and a Twitter and you have to remember Mr. Michael's blog. Of course, you will need to do your homework and work hard on your projects or else you will get low grades. My goal for ICT is to be able to use audacity and record things since I was terrible last year because I didn't pay attention.